Monday, February 22, 2010

Froyde almoundys

15th century cookbook I
Ab. 1420 A.D.

Froyde almoundys

—Take blake sugre, an cold water, an do hem to in a fayre potte, an let hem boyle to-gedere, an salt it an skeme it clene, an let it kele; þan take almaundys, an blawnche hem clene, an stampe hem, an draw hem, with þe sugre water thikke y-now, in-to a fayre vessel: an yf [supplied by ed.] þe mylke be noȝt swete y-now, take whyte sugre an caste þer-to.

Modern English

Froyde almoundys (a cold Almond dish)

—Take black sugar (correction: "blake" would actually mean something closer to "pale", so the sugar would be closer to white than black), and cold water and put it in a good pot and let them boil together, and salt and skim it clean, and let it cool; then take almonds, and blanch them clean, and stamp [making blanched/skinless almonds] them, and stamp [crush in mortar] them, and draw them, with the sugar water thick enough, into a good vessel: and (if) the milk be not sweet enough, take white sugar and caste therein.

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