Rastons I
—Take fayre Flowre, & þe whyte of Eyroun, & þe ȝolke, a lytel; þan take Warme Berme, & putte al þes to-gederys, & bete hem to-gederys with þin hond tyl it be schort & þikke y-now, & caste Sugre y-now þer-to, & þenne lat reste a whyle; þan kaste in a fayre place in þe oven, & late bake y-now; & þen with a knyf cutte yt round a-boue in maner of a crowne, & kepe þe cruste þat þou kyttyst; & þan pyke al þe cromys withynne to-gederys, an pike hem smal with þin knyf, & saue þe sydys & al þe cruste hole with-owte; & þan caste þer-in clarifiyd Boter, & Mille þe cromeȝ & þe botere to-gedereȝ, & keuere it a-ȝen with þe cruste, þat þou kyttest a-way; þan putte it in þe ovyn aȝen a lytil tyme; & þan take it out, & serue it fortℏ.
Modern English
Rastons I
—Take fair flour and egg white and a little yolk; then take warm barm and put all this together and beat them together by hand until it is short and thick enough, and cast enough sugar therein and then let it rest a while; then cast in a fair place in the oven, and let it bake enough; and then with a knife, cut it round above in manner of a crown, and keep the crust that you cut off; and then pick all the crumbs within together, and take a knife and cut them up small and save the sides and all the crust whole without (save the crusty shell); and cast therein clarified butter and mix the crumbs and the butter together and cover it again with the crust that you cut away; then put it in the oven again (for) a little time; and then take it out and serve it forth.
Rastons II
—Take fyne floure, and white of eyren̄, and a litul of the yolkes; And then̄ take warme berm̄, and put al thes togidre, and bete hem togidre with thi honde so longe til hit be short and thik ynogℏ. And caste sugur ynowe thereto; And þen̄ lete rest a while; And then̄ cast hit in a faire place in an̄ oven̛, and lete bake ynogℏ; And þen̄ kut hit with a knyfe rownde aboue in maner of a crowne, and kepe þe crust þat þou kuttest, and pile all þe cremes within togidre; and pike hem smaƚƚ witℏ thi knyfe, and saue the sides and al þe cruste hole withoute; And þen̄ cast thi clarefied butter, and medle þe creme and þe buttur togidre, And couer hit ayen̄ with þe cruste that þou kuttest awey; and then̄ put hit in the oven̄ ayen̄ a lituƚƚ tyme, and take it oute, and serue hit forthe aƚƚ hote.
Modern English
Rastons II
—Take fine flour, and egg white and a little of the yolks; and then take warm barm, and put all this together, and beat them together with your hand so long till it be short and thick enough. And cast enough sugar therein; and then let (it) rest a while; and then cast if in a fair place in an oven, and let bake enough; and then cut it with a knife round above in manner of crown, and keep the crust that you cut, and pile all the crumbs within together; and pick them small with your knife, and save the sides and all the crust while without; and then cast in clarified butter and meddle (stir/mix) the crumbs and the butter together and cover it again with the crust that you cut away; and then put it in the oven (for) a little time, and take out and serve it forth all hot.
I found a recipe online at
I also own the cookbook it refers to, which is available by contatcing http://www.camlann.org/