—Take gysers, and lyuers, and hert̘ of Swanne; and if þe guttys ben fat̘, slyt̘ them clence thaym [in different ink.], and caste þem þer-to, and boile þem in faire watre: and þanne take þem up, and hew þem smal, and thanne caste þem in-to þe same broþe, (but strayne hit þurgℏ a straynour firste); and caste þer-to poudre peper, canel, and vynegre, and salt̘, and lete boile. And þanne take the blode of the Swanne, and freysshe broþ, and brede, and draw þem þurwe a straynour, and cast̘ þer-to; and lete boile to-gedre. And þenne take poudre of̘ gyngere, whanne hit̘ is al-moste y-now, & put̘ þer-to, and serue fortℏ with the swan. [in different ink. ]
Modern English
—Take gizzards, and livers, and heart of swan; and if the guts are fat, slit them (clean them?) and cast them therein, and boil them in fair water: and then take them up, and chop them small, and then cast them into the same broth, (but strain it through a strainer first); and cast therein powder pepper, cinnamon, vinegar, and salt, and let boil. And then take the blood of the swan, and fresh broth, and bread, and draw them through a strainer, and cast therein; and let it boil together. And then take powder of ginger, when it is almost enough, and put therein, and serve forth with the swan.
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