Monday, June 24, 2013

Boke of Kervynge, part 6 (into modern English)

And here begins the Sauces for all manner of fowls

Mustard is good with brawn, beef chine, bacon and mutton.
Verjuice [a sour juice from unripe fruit] is good with boiled chickens and capon
Swan with “Chawdrons” [a sauce from entrails]
Beef ribs with garlic, mustard, pepper, verjuice and ginger
Sauce to lamb, pig and fawn
Mustard and sugar to pheasant and cony
Sauce Gamelyne [a sauce, could be “camelyne” sauce or something different] to heron, egret, plover and crane.
To brew curlew, salt, sugar and water of tame
To bustard, shoveller and bittern, sauce “gamelyne”
Woodcock, lapwing, lark, quail, martin, venison and snipe, with white salt
Sparrows and “throstelles” [throstle is another name for the song thrush] with salt and cinnamon
Thus with all meats, sauces shall have the operations.

Here ends the sauces of all manner of fowls and meats.   

Here Begins the feasts and service from Easter unto White Sunday

On Easter day and so forth to Pentecost after the serving of the table, there shall be set bread, trenchers and spoons after the estimation of them that shall sit there and thus you shall serve your sovereign, lay trenchers before him/ if he be a great estate, lay five trenchers/ and [if he is] of a lower degree, four trenchers/ and of another degree, three trenchers, then cut bread for your sovereign after you know his conditions, whether it be cut in the middle or pared or else [it is to be] cut in small pieces. 
Also you must understand how the meat shall be serves before your sovereign and namely on Easter day after the governance and service of the counter where you were born. 
First on that day, you shall serve calf sodden and blessed/ and then sodden eggs with green sauce and set them before the most principal estate/ and that lord because of his high estate shall depart them all about him/ then serve pottage as worts [vegetable/pot-herb], Jowtes [boiled, and thickened, dish of herb/veg] or browes [broth or soup] with beef, mutton or veal/ and capons that [have] been coloured with saffron and bake-meats. 
And in the second course, Jussell [egg/bread dish] with mameny [a dish] roated and endoured [painted with egg yolk which is hardened in the heat]/ and pidgeons with bakemeats as tarts, chewets and flans and others after the deception of the cooks. 
And at suppertime, diverse sauces of mutton or veal in broche [“manner and meals in olden time”, 1867, F.J. Furnivall, correct this as “broth” but “broche” translates to a skewer or spit] after the ordinance of the steward/ and then chickens with bacon, veal, roast pigeons or lamb and roast kid with the head and the purtenance [offal] on lamb and pigs feet with vinegar and parsley thereon and fried tansy and other bake-meats/ you shall understand this manner of service lasting to Pentecost save [except] fish days. Also take heed how you shall arrange these things before your sovereign/ first you shall see [to it] that there are green sauces of sorrel or of vines that is hold a sauce for the first course/ and you shall begin to raise/lift up the capon. 

Here ends the feast of Easter until Pentecost.
And here begins the carving of all manner of fowls.

See notes here for information on the book and translation. In this case, I did refer to other versions of the same book for better translation.
Note: this is not divided up the same as the original

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