Friday, February 19, 2010


15th century cookbook I
Ab. 1420 A.D.

—Take fayre caboges, an cutte hem, an pike hem clene and clene washe hem, an parboyle hem in fayre water, an þanne presse hem on a fayre bord; an þan choppe hem, and caste hem in a faire pot with goode freysshe broth, an wyth mery-bonys, and let it boyle: þanne grate fayre brede and caste þer-to, an caste þer-to Safron an salt; or ellys take gode grwel y-mad of freys flesshe, y-draw þorw a straynour, and caste þer-to. An whan þou seruyst yt inne, knocke owt þe marw of þe bonys, an ley þe marwe .ij. gobettys or .iij. in a dysshe, as þe semyth best, & serue forth.



—Take good cabbages, and cut them, and pick them clean and wash them, and parboil them in good water, and then press them on a good board; and then chop them, and cast them in a good pot with good fresh broth, and with marrow bones, and let it boil: Then grate good bread and cast thereto(into the pot), and cast thereto(into the pot) saffron and salt; or else take good gruel made from [fresh/raw?] flesh, drawn through a stainer, and cast thereto(in). And when thou serve it in, knock out the marrow of the bones, and lay 2 or 3 gobbets(pieces) of marrow in a dish, [what seems best] best and serve forth.

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