Thursday, February 18, 2010


15th century cookery book I
Ab. 1420 A.D.


—Take Borage, Vyolet, Malwys, Percely, Yong Wortys, Bete, Auence, Longebeff, wyth Orage an oþer, pyke hem clene, and caste hem on a vessel, and boyle hem a goode whyle; þan take hem and presse hem on a fayre bord, an hew hem ryght smal, an put whyte brede þer-to, an grynd wyth-al; an þan caste hem in-to a fayre potte, an gode freshe brothe y-now þer-to þorw a straynowr, & caste [supplied by ed.] þer-to .ij. or .iij. Marybonys, or ellys fayre fresche brothe of beff, and let hem sethe to-gederys a whyle an þan caste þer-to Safron, and let hem sethe to-gederys a whyle, an þan caste þer-to safron and salt; and serue it forth in a dysshe, an bakon y-boylyd in a-noþer dysshe, as men seruyth furmenty wyth venyson.

modern English

Joutes (pottage with boiled herbs)

--Take Borage, Violet, Mallows, Parsley, Young Worts (herbs/leafy vegetable), Beet (likely the greens), Avens (wood avens?), (Oxtongue, leaves), Orach (leaves) and other, pick them clean, and cast them on[into] a vessel, and boil them a good while; then take them and press them on a good board, and hew(chop) them right small, and put white bread thereto, and grin with all (of the ingredients); and then cast them into a good pot, and enough good fresh broth thereto through a strainer, and cast two or three marrowbones, or else fair good fresh broth of beef, and let them boil together a while and then cast in saffron, and let it boil together a while, and then cast in saffron and salt; and serve it forth in a dish, and bacon boiled in another dish, as men serve furmenty with venison.

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