Saturday, April 20, 2013
boke of kervynge (part-2)
Here begynneth
Butteler and
Thou shalte be butteler and panter all the fyrst
yere / and ye muste have thre pantry knyves /
one knyfe to square trenchoure loves / another to be a
chyppere / the thyrde shall be sgaroe ti naje snitge
trenchours / than chyppe your soveraynes brede hote
and all other brede let it be a daye olde / householde bre-
de thre dayes olde / trenchour brede foure dayes olde /
than loke your salte be whyte and drye / the planer ma-
de of Ivory two inches brode and thre inches longe /
& loke that your salte seller lydde touche not the salte /
than loke your table clothes towelles and napkyns be
fayre folden in a cheste or hanged upon a perche / than
loke your table knyves be fayre pullysshed & your spo-
nes clene / than loke ye have two tarryours a more and
a lesse and wyne canelles of boxe made accordynge a
sharpe gymlot & faucettes. And whan ye sette a pype
on broche do thus / set it foure fynger brede above the
nether chyme upwardes aslaunte / and than shall the
lyes never aryse. Also loke ye have in all seasons but-
ter chese apples peres nottes plommes grapes dates
fygges and raysyns compost grene gynger and charde
quynce. Serve fastynge butter plommes damesons
cheryes and grapes. After mete peres nottes strawbe
ryes hurtelberyes & harde chese. Also brandrels or pe-
pyns with carawey in comfetes. After souper roste ap
ples & peres with blaunche poudre & harde chese / be-
ware of cowe creme and of goot strawberyes hurtelbe
ryes Jouncat for these wyll make your soverayne seke
but he ete harde chese / harde chese hath these operacy-
ons / it wyll kepe the stomake open / butter is holsome
fyrst & last for it wyll do awaye all poysons / mylke cre-
me & Jouncat they wyll close the mawe and so dooth a
posset / therfore ete harde chese and drynke romney mo
don / beware of grene sallettes & rawe fruytes for they
wyll make our soverayne seke / therfore set not mo-
che by suche metes as wyll set your tethe on edge ther-
fore ete an almonde & harde chese / but ete not moche
chese without romney modon. Also yf dyvers drynkes
of theyr fumosytees have dyspleases your soverayne
let hym ete a rawe apple and the fumosytees wyl cease
mesure is a mery mene & it be well bled / abstynence is
to be praysed whan god therwith is pleased. Also take
good hede of your wynes every nyght with a candell
bothe reed wyne & swete wyne & loke they reboyle not
nor leke not: & wasshe the pype hedes every nyght with
colde water / & loke ye have a chynchynge yron addes
and lynen clothes yf nede be / & yf they reboyle ye shall
knowe by the hyssynge / therfore kepe an empty pype
with the lyes of coloured rose & drawe the reboyled wy
ne to the leys & it shal helpe it. Also yf your swete wyne
pale drawe it in to a romney vessell for lesynge.
Here Begins the Butler and Pantler
You shal be butler and pantler all the first year/ and you much have the pantry knives/ one knife to square trencher loaves, another to be a chipper/ then chip your sovereigns bread hot and all other bread let it be a day old/ household bread three days old/ trencher bread four days old/ then see that your salt is white and dry/ The plainer made of Ivory two inches broad and three inches long/ & see that your salt cellar lid does not touch the salt/ then see (that) your table clothes, towels and napkins are folded nicely in a chest or hung upon a perch/ then see (that) your knives are nicely polished and your spoons clean/ Then see (that) you have two “Tarryours” (“Terriers” are objects used to bore holes) a larger one and a smaller one, and “Wyne canelles of boxe made accordynge” [This could be Wine tasters turned from box wood, made in the shape of a canelle, as in a rippled or fluted cup. “canel” is usually translated as cinnamon but that is probably not the case here] a sharp gimlet [tool for boring small holes] and faucets. And when you set a pipe “on broche” [the phrase meaning “to tap and set running”] do thus/ set it four finger breaths above the “nether chime upwards” [confusing as chime is the contents of the stomach, or could refer to the humours] leaning/ and then shall the lyes (or lies) never arise. Also see (that) you have in all seasons butter, cheese, apples, pears, nuts, plums, grapes, dates, figs and raisins, compost, green ginger and “chard” [to turn or cease] quince. Serve fasting butter [possibly in reference to a non-dairy butter such as almond butter?], plums, damsoms, cherries and grapes. After meat, pears, nuts, strawberries, whortleberries and hard cheese. Also “Brandrels” [a type of apple described as white] or pippins [a type of apple described as tart and crisp] with caraway in comfits. After supper, roast apples and pears with white powder and hard cheese, beware of goat or cow’s cream, strawberries, whortleberries and junket [a dish from rennet curdled milk], for these will make you sovereign sick but he eat hard cheese/ hard cheese has these operations:/ it will keep the stomach open/ butter is wholesome first and last for it will do away all poisons/ milk, cream and junket they will close the stomach and so does a posset [an alcohol curdled milk drink]/ therefor eat hard cheese and drink “Romney modon” [a heavy, sweet, wine made with the addition of boiled down must]/ beware of green salads and raw fruits for they will make our sovereign sick/ therefore set not much by such meats as will set your teeth on edge therefore eat an almond and hard cheese. But eat not much cheese without Romney modon. Also if diverse drinks of their “fumosytees” [vapours] have displeased your sovereign, let him eat a raw apple and the vapours will cease “measure is a mery mene” [neither means nor measure] & it will be well bled/ abstinence is to be praised when god, therewith, is pleased. Also take good heed of your wines every night with a candle both red wine and sweet wine and see (that) they are no re-boiled or leaking: and wash the pipe heads every night with cold water/ and see (that) you have a “chynchynge” [from the word miserly, could be “to pinch”, then would be “pinching”] iron added and linen clothes if need be/ and if they reboil, you shall know by the hissing/ therefore keep an empty pipe with the lies of coloured rose and draw the re-boiled wine to the lies and it shall help it. Also if your sweet wine pales, draw it into a romney vessel for “lesynge” [falsifying]
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