Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Boke of Kervynge in parts (part-1)


While this book is of a later date, it can be still difficult to read, as I have found out.
This is a work in progress and is not a perfect translation but will try to update here as I go.

Presently, I am mostly working of a copy transcribed by Daniel Myers from the Medieval Cookery site due to the simply having that one on hand. Other copies can also be easily obtained through Google Books.
add: Some of the other references I've been using are
- "The Boke of Nurture", Russell, 1460
- The Boke of Kervynge same edition, but referencing gutenburg

Tracking down tricky words mostly through middle English dictionaries, comparing text and usage in other texts and keeping in mind that what seems obvious isn't always obviously right or that words are restricted to only one meaning.


Here begynneth the boke of kervynge and servyn-ge / and all the feestes in the yere for the servyce of a prynce or ony other estate as ye shall fynde eche offyce the servyce accordynge in this boke folowynge.

Here begins the book of carving and serving / and all the feats in the year for the service of a prince or any other estate as you shall find each office the service according in this book following.

Termes of a kerver.

Breke that dere
lesche the brawne
rere that goose
lyfte that swanne
sauce that capon
spoyle that henne
fruche that chekyn
unbrace that malarde
unlace that conye
dysmembre that heron
dysplaye that crane
dysfygure that pecocke
unioynt that bytture
untache that curlewe
alaye that fesande
wynge that partryche
wynge that quayle
mynce that plover
thye that pygyon
border that pasty
thye that woodcocke
thye all maner small byrdes
tymbre that fyre
tyere that egge
chynne that samon
strynge that lampraye
splatte that pyke
sauce that place
sauce that tenche
splaye that breme
syde that haddocke
tuske that berbell
culpon that troute
fyne that cheuen
traffene that ele
traunche that sturgyon
undertraunche that purpos
tayme that crabbe
barbe that lopster

Here endeth the 
goodly termes.

Terms of a carver

Break that deer
Slice that brawn
“Rere” [probably Parboil] that goose
Lift that swan
Sauce that capon
Spoil [possibly to skin or simply another term for “carve”] that hen
“Fruche” that chicken
“Umbrace” [means to “free”] that mallard
Unlace that rabbit
Dismember that heron
Display that crane
Disfigure that peacock
Unjoint that bittern
“Untache” [unattach?] that curlew
“Alaye” [generally meaning to “mix”, likely cut or carve in this instant] that pheasant
Wing that partridge
Wing that quail
Mince that plover
Thigh that pigeon
Border that pasty
Thigh that woodcock
Thigh all manner of small birds
Timber that fire
Tyere [possibly “tear”] that egg
Chynne [simplified term “split”] that salmon
String that lamprey
Splat [split open] that pike
Sauce that place
Sauce that tench
Splay that bream
Side that haddock
“Culpon” [some sources define as slicing or shreadding] that trout
“Fyne” [typically translates to “fine” but could be “fin”] that Cheuen (translates to “chew”, but in this context could be “Chevin” which is a fish)
“Traffene” that eel
Traunche [likely “portion”] that Sturgeon
“Undertraunche” that porpoise
Tame that crab
Barb that Lobster

Here ends the goodly terms.

Here endeth the
goodly termes.

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