Sauce rous
—Take brede, and broyl it vpon þe colous, and make it broune, and ley hit̘ in vynegre, and lete it̘ stepe; and þanne take piper, canel and notemyggeȝ, and a fewe of clowes, and cast̘ it̘ to-gedre in-to a mortre; and take þe brede out̘ of þe vynegre, and bray þer-wyþ. And whanne it̘ is y-brayd y-now, tempre it̘ wytℏ wyne and vinegre, and draw it̘ þurgℏ a straynour as þou woldiste galyntyne.
Modern English
Roe Deer Sauce
—Take bread, and broil it upon coals, and make it brown, and lay it in vinegar, and let it steep; and then take pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg, and a few of cloves, and cast it together into a mortar; and take the bread out of the vinegar, and crush therewith. And when it is crushed enough, temper it with wine and vinegar, and draw it through a strainer as you would with galantine.
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