Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lange Wortys de chare.

15th century Cookbook I
Ab. 1420 A.D.

Lange Wortys de chare

—Take beeff and merybonys, and boyle yt in fayre water; þan take fayre wortys and wassche hem clene in water, and parboyle hem in clene water; þan take hem vp of þe water after þe fyrst boylyng, an cut þe leuys a-to or a-þre, and caste hem in-to þe beff, and boyle to gederys: þan take a lof of whyte brede and grate yt, an caste it on þe pot, an safron & salt, & let it boyle y-now, and serue forth.

 Modern English

 Long Worts with meat

--Take beef and marrowbones, and boil it[actually, them] in fair[good] water; then take good worts[vegetables, likely leafy in this case] and wash them clean in water, and parboil him [them] in clean water; then take them up of the water [out of the water] after the first boiling [after it starts to boil], and cut the leaves in two or in three, and cast them into the beef, and boil together: than take a loaf of white bread and grate it, and cast it on the pot, (with) saffron and salt, and let it boil it enough, and serve forth.


  1. Do you have any references to the use of carrots from 15thC cookbooks?


  2. It seems I have not entered any in here yet (does not mean there isn't any) that specifically mention carrots, however it has been suggested that pasturnakes could cover both carrots and parsnips though I tend to translate it to parsnip.
    Le Ménagier De Paris, late 14th cent. does describe carrots quite well though.
